4 Reasons to Hire Corporate Video Production Company

4 Reasons to Hire Corporate Video Production Company

Creating content, innovating marketing campaigns, the conversation in social media… there are more and more indispensable factors that make a brand enter the competence. But if there is one thing that a business should never lack is the creation of a corporate video. It creates an impact and that is useful both for the current clients and the new.

The goal of the corporate video production process is to capture the viewer’s attention, enhance the SEO of your website, increase the number of visits on your page and the time length of the visits. But above it all, corporative video production services are meant to get a future client’s loyalty. It helps to inform them about your product or service in the most dynamic and effective way possible.


What’s corporate videography?

A corporate video lasts about 1-2 minutes and it’s designed to inform or introduce a business, product, event, or organization. It’s usually placed on the company website so visitors can get an added value to the products and services.

The difference between promotional video and corporate is that corporate video is not always destined for company promotion. It could also have an internal use inside the organization, like training videos, corporate events, etc. Formative videos are very common in business and are clear proof of how powerful and effective visual communication can be.





#1. A corporate video is the most dynamic and effective way to introduce your company:

When it comes to content strategy is more and more important to include different communication channels to reach your users. We know that writing SEO content is indispensable, that photography always helps, and that we should include info-graphics to dynamically present the information. But what about multimedia content? What difference will a corporate promotional video make in your business?

Sometimes we forget that multimedia content is still the most effective way to introduce a company. For as much as we make an effort to create content to describe the benefits, the user can obtain with our corporate video production services. So if we don’t tell the story with mages, we will be losing clients, for sure.

The first impression is crucial when it comes to capturing clients and that impression is guaranteed with a good corporate video production company.

#2. Corporate video production will differentiate you from your competition

There’s nothing worse than not knowing how to tell people what you do so that they immediately understand it. With a simple corporate video, you will always be at peace and ensured of the benefits that your business provides. The main goal of getting into corporate videography is to explain what makes you different than your competitors. It’s important for you to answer with images and audio these simple questions: what is your added value? Why do they have to stay on your website after watching the video and not go to your competition?

You have to think about what aspect of your business is the most appealing to your audience. What’s the most attractive thing? What makes you different and your business unique? It’s also important to evaluate if you should have clients’ testimonials. Something that will definitely give hints to your potential customer about your products and services. If we are talking about more complex businesses, the most efficient approach is to create a corporate video that tells the story. It should provide an overall and attractive view of the benefits or functionality of your services.

As far as length, the shorter the better. Try to tell the story as short as possible to create an impact on the viewer and not bore them or make them feel like wasting their time.

If your main competitors don’t have a video yet, use it as a differentiator element of your strategy. Don’t forget to include this video in your presentations, conferences, and meetings. Little by little you will start to realize how useful corporate video production companies can be.

#3. A corporate video will enhance the SEO of your website

After making your first corporate video, it’s common to share it on social media, especially YouTube. Besides it being the second most important search engine, YouTube videos get good positioning in Google. Also, videos that are published on a website reduce the bounce rates by keeping visitors for a longer time. If you keep them longer than a minute, the bounce rates will go down and the SEO enhances itself.

It’s important to share your video in all of your social media profiles, including Vimeo, and add a link that takes viewers directly to your campaigns. Don’t make your users look up in Google the name of your company to know more about it; if you keep direct access to your corporate video you will capture their attention at the moment and they will understand without any significant effort what your business is about.


#4. Corporate video production rates are worth it: you can sell more!

The data proofs it. There are many companies that know this and they talk about an increase higher than 20% in their conversion rates after including a corporate video on their website. A good example is a company Crazy Egg, which saw an increase of 64% in their sales after making a corporate video and making it a principal element of their website. Where do you think the user clicks first, in a link with explanative text or in an image? Clearly in the image.

As a recommendation, it can also be efficient to include a banner or a call-to-action at the end of the corporative video, with a link that converts viewers into potential clients. It’s a good way to seize the attention that they’ve pay to the video.

Also, a person that has spent more than a minute of their time looking at how your business works is more than likely a new client.

Don’t let them go without taking action!

AD.JUST – Corporate Video Production Los Angeles | Orlando |Los Angeles

Corporate event video production in Orlando, Los Angeles, las Vegas

 AD.JUST specializes in high-end industrial, event, and corporate video services, on-location green screen filming. We do our best so that every video production provides the best results. We have access to the best assets so that your corporate video becomes a magnet that attracts potential clients. AD.JUST utilizes diverse techniques, adapting them to the type of video that best fits the needs of your business.

We provide the following video production services in Los Angeles, Orlando, and Las Vegas: Commercial video productionCorporate Video ProductionGreen screen video production, Testimonials, and Explainer video.

CONTACT US for corporate video production quote:


Corporate Event Video Production. Best Memory

Corporate Event Video Production. Best Memory

Event Video Production at Your Corporate Event, Conference, Trade Show

Today in the AD.Just Production blog we want to talk to you about corporate event video production and what we’ve learned in our experience making event coverage video production.


What’s a corporate event video?

A corporate event video is an audiovisual piece that narrates what a past event, conference, or meeting was about. A corporate event video usually includes interviews with the participants, information about the company and its activities, promotional content associated to the event or venue, and of course highlights from different moments of the event itself.


What’s the purpose of event videography?

Any event has to be remembered by its attendees as the company has made an investment that can still be seized after the corporate event is over. In fact, you can send your corporate event video to the attendees as a present.

Above it all, a corporate event video production is great to have a memory of the event and spread a good image about the company or institution.

Using videos to promote events and conferences is becoming more and more popular, as companies seek  to stand out and make sure their message reaches the right audience. Corporate event videos can help build trust within your target demographic and increase attendance at future events. Additionally, it provides a great way for those who were unable to attend the event to experience what it was like from the comfort of their own home. 


What makes a good event video production?

Make sure your video crew uses professional event video production equipment to obtain the maximum image quality. That way, the camera won’t miss a detail. Once finalized event, the corporate event video must be edited. Making a long version and a short version that will be more useful for online distribution. It has to convey the experience that the attendees had at your event and give the best brand image possible.

AD.Just production is an event video production company specializing in corporate events, conferences, conventions, corporate parties, and more. We provide the live event video production equipment your event needs while we adapt to your budget and expectations.


What do we offer?

We specialize in creating stunning and engaging corporate event videos that capture all the special moments that make your corporate events truly memorable. We also provide post-production services to enhance the quality of your video, including color grading and motion graphics. With our help, you can make sure that your corporate event video leaves a lasting impression on viewers. 

Our on-location filming crew will make a professional recording of everything that happens during your event. That includes on-location interviews with the main members of the event. With our on-site video editing service, our crew will deliver an appealing corporate event video that sums up your event.

Whenever a company, a city, or an institution is putting together a big event not everyone can go, and many times, it would be fantastic to count on an event video production company that can produce an audiovisual piece that captures the essence of what happened, taking you back to the moment when you celebrated this event.

Trust a professional event video production company like AD.Just to produce high-quality event video for all types of events:

  • Cultural events
  • Industry trade shows
  • Conferences and talks
  • Conventions
  • Festivals and concerts
  • Meetups

AD.JUST – Event Video Production, Los Angeles, San Diego

Focusing on Corporate video production, best quality Event Videos, B-roll footage, testimonials, and event green screen production – we have the crew, the tools, the skills, and the experience to take your business to the next level. AD.JUST video production services for businesses will add value to any brand.

With over 10 years of experience in the field, we also provide other types of marketing video production. Commercial video production, Kickstarter videos, Amazon Product Video creation – is what we do the best!

CONTACT US for video production rates: getquote@adjustproduction.com

Green Screen Video Production

Green Screen Video Production

If your dream is to make movies or participate in the making of one, you should know that this is a dream that it’s more and more within your reach. Technology improvement has been growing so fast and takes bigger and bigger steps forward, making available to you some resources that were only available to big studios. The use of the green screen or chroma key is one of the tools with which you can accomplish extraordinary things and if you add your narrative skills, some design, production, and post-production, you can make a studio out of your own house. Yes, there will be an initial investment but the results will be worth it.






What is a chroma key?





Chroma key, green screen or blue screen, is the technology that filmmakers use to create a different background in a video. A common example of a green screen background is the one with the weatherman in the news. The weatherman on TV is filmed standing in front of a blue or a green screen background. Then they replace the green or blue screen with weather graphics. To achieve this, you need a green screen studio or a green screen background, video camera, and computer. You will also need software with the chroma key feature like Adobe Premiere Pro or After Effects.






Even if you’d much rather hire a professional video production team for your green screen video production, it’s important for you to know how to use a green screen, how much is a green screen video production, what makes good green screen footage, what it takes to produce a chroma key video, what is the green screen cost, etc. So you to know what to expect when getting into green screen video.






How to film a green screen video





1.     Prepare your green screen studio or set up a green screen background in a wide space. Set up adequate lighting for your camera and remember to light your green screen evenly.






2.     Set up three-point lighting for your chroma key video. The green screen lighting should be even, with the source lights pointing at 45 degrees to the green screen background. The lights need to be away from the background enough to not create spotlights.






3.     Make sure the subject of your green screen video is at least 3 feet away from the green screen background. The third light must light the subject in a way it doesn’t cast shadows on the background.






4.     Put the camera at the right distance from the subject so you can get the desired look. A long shot, a medium shot or a close-up.






5.     Film 10 seconds or more of the green or blue screen background without the subject in the scene. That way you can get a “cleaner” key from your software.






6.     Move the subject and place them in the right position and start shooting. If you’re going to use live audio, attach a lavaliere microphone to the subject’s clothes. Keep it away from their mouth far enough so that the microphone doesn’t catch the breathing.






7.     Start shooting a green screen video. Make sure you cut a few seconds after the moment you want your edit to end.






8.     After you capture your chroma key video, dump the footage on your computer and open it in the software that you use for video editing and apply the chroma key effect. If you’ve done a good job, the green screen should virtually “disappear” and you will be able to replace it with any graphics or footage you want.







Focusing on Corporate video production, Event Videos, B-roll footage, testimonials, and event green screen production – we have the crew, the tools, the skills, and the experience to take your business to the next level. AD.JUST video production services for businesses will add value to any brand.


With over 10 years of experience in the field, we also provide other types of marketing video production. Commercial video production, Kickstarter videos, Amazon Product Video creation – is what we do the best! 


CONTACT US: getquote@adjustproduction.com




10 Questions to Consider Before Starting Kickstarter

10 Questions to Consider Before Starting Kickstarter

Do you have a great idea for a new product but you need to raise some money to execute it? Creating a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter might be a good option. After all, the results these fund raising platforms providing are really impressive. Ever since its launch in 2009, almost 4 million people have raised $60 million to fund over 4,000 projects.

Now, how to create a Kickstarter campaign that is attractive enough to get enough funding for your idea? Of course, the professional Kickstarter video is a must but will not guarantee you successful fundraising. Even though there’s no exact formula to achieve this purpose, answering correctly to these 10 questions might help you increase your chances of raising money for your project:

So what to think about before starting a Kickstarter

1.     How to explain my idea on Kickstarter’s project page?

The first step is to define the purpose of your project. Explain exactly what do you need money for, how you’re going to use it, and why.

2.     How should I determine my funding goal?

Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing platform. If you only get to one dollar below your crowdfunding goal on the deadline, you won’t receive any money and those who supported you won’t pay a dime. If your project reaches its funding goal before the deadline, it will continue to receive donations until the last day.

So, don’t establish a very ambitious goal, but a realistic number that takes into account how much will it cost to produce, package, and send your product, as well as the cost of the reward you will give to those who supported you. Also, consider the 5% fee that Kickstarter charges if your project is funded.

3.     What type of rewards will I give my backers?

Rewards are usually what motivate people to support a Kickstarter campaign, so you must make them as creative as possible. Rewards in Kickstarter must be valued between a dollar and $10,000 and they must be products or experience.

4.     How to increase my chances of Kickstarter supporting my project?

Kickstarter recommends that you show the status of your project with technical drawings, CAD design, pictures, videos, and sketches, something like a prototype that shows the functionality of your product. Read the requirement very carefully because they change frequently.

5.     Should I create a video for my Kickstarter campaign?

The video for your Kickstarter campaign is must-have, and we highly recommend you hire a professional Kickstarter video production company. Crowdfunding campaigns that include a video are 50% more successful than those that don’t.

The best Kickstarter videos are short, personal, and passionate. Tell the human side of your project in the first 20 seconds, and then try it to not be over 2 minutes. Develop on what inspired you to create the project, why it should be funded, and in what phase it’s currently on.


Produced by AD.JUST VIDEO PRODUCTION, Los Angeles, 2019. See other crowdfunding videos here 


Produced by AD.JUST VIDEO PRODUCTION, Los Angeles, 2018. See other crowdfunding videos here 

6.     How should I advertise my Kickstarter campaign?

Once you are ready to launch your project, it’s time to spread the word in your professional and personal networks. It’s better to be personal: write emails to your friends, family, colleagues, and influencers, rather than sending a massive message to everyone.

You could also make a press release and send it to the local media, as well as known bloggers.

7.     Can I choose how long my project will last in Kickstarter?

Kickstarter campaigns last between one and 60 days. It is your decision to make as long (or as short) as you want, you decide when it begins and when it ends. Kickstarter recommends crowdfunding campaigns to be 30 days long or less because long Kickstarter campaigns are the least successful.

8.     What category should I choose?

Your Kickstarter campaign should be among one of the 13 main categories: art, comics, dance, design, fashion, film, gastronomy, games, music, photography, editorial, technology or theater. Now, there are also 36 subcategories available.

9.     How often should I send updates to my backers?

You can give them updates any time you want when it comes to events and any progress related to your Kickstarter campaign and your product. Some creators do it daily, while some others do it once a week. You can choose whether if your updates will be publicly available to anyone or if their access will be limited to your backers.

10. How do I create and upload my Kickstarter campaign?

Visit the Kickstarter website and select “Start your Project. There you will create and fix your project before launching it.

First, select a good title that is easy to remember. Then upload an image that represents your project and offers a description. Finally, write a short bio about you with links to your Facebook, Twitter or website.

It usually takes a few days for Kickstarter to review your project and to decide whether if they’ll approve it or not. If it’s rejected, they will sometimes explain to you why and you can appeal the decision.

AD.JUST – Kickstarter Video Production Los Angeles | Orlando | San Franciso

Branded Videos Product Videos and Kickstarter Video production in Los Angeles

We are Adjust Video Production, an Orlando video production company also offering kickstarter video production in the Los Angeles area. We are a team of visual communication experts, also specialized in Kickstarter video production. AD.JUST is ready to make your Kickstarter video stands out. Let us bring our unique, fresh approach to your online fundraising campaign; your success is our goal!

CONTACT US for the Kickstarter video quote: getquote@adjustproduction.com

10 Questions to Consider Before Starting Kickstarter

How to Reach Backers for Kickstarter Project?

As you come up with your idea, and you decide to launch a Kickstarter campaign. But you also have to think about your target audience, who are the potential backers? You’ll need to do some research and come up with a list. After that, you have to figure out how to reach all of those potential backers that you won’t be able to meet in person, and pitch for them.

You have the tools to be successful at the end of your crowdfunding campaign. You probably know them very well, they have been there for a quite a while now, it’s just a matter of learning how to use them, and take the most advantage that you could possibly get.

Ways to Reach Backers for Kickstarter Project

1. Personal emails to get your Kickstarter campaign on the door:

It’s the closest one to the person-to-person encounter. It’s a direct way to communicate with people. In order to use this tool correctly, remember these aspects:

–       You need each potential backer’s personal email address: you want to “infiltrate” in their lives.

–       Make sure these people will be able to identify you as a person and not an online fundraising machine hungry for money. You want to seem trustworthy.

–       Read it, and read it again. Have people reading the emails you send for you. You want to include a strong announcement and call-to-action, and you want to be clear.

–       Include some of the personal touch. The reason that moved you to create your Kickstarter campaign, your goals (and how do you plan to reward backers). Also a call-to-action with a compelling subject line that makes your audience open the message, and a link to your Kickstarter campaign.

2. Your Facebook profile as the first step to promoting your Kickstarter campaign

Yes, your friends need to be the first ones to know. For they will be your ultimate backers, and there is a lot of benefit in sharing fundraising ideas with the people that you know. They will interact with your content, and provide you with some amazing feedback that could really boost your Kickstarter campaign.

The best way to treat this is to keep on generating content about your Kickstarter campaign on a regular basis. Toggle between your request for support and updates about your project always linking to your fundraising campaign online. With regular updates, you keep on showing up in your friends’ feed as a top result. Remember to post your Kickstarter video as well.

3. Set up a Facebook page for your Kickstarter campaign

You probably don’t want your profile to look like a never-ending thread of posts about your Kickstarter campaign making your friends sick due to the overuse of this tool. So you would find a Facebook page a very convenient too to promote your crowdfunding.

It’s very similar to your normal profile and allows you to pin your most attractive post at the top of it. We strongly recommend this pinned post to be your Kickstarter video.

–       Make sure you identify your page with the type of business you are trying to get into. You can set up your profile page to categorize your project as a local business, brand, artist, or entertainment.

–       Build your Facebook page even before launching your Kickstarter campaign. That way you will have an extra impulse by the day of the release of your crowdfunding campaign.

4. Twitter: expand your Kickstarter campaign’s reach

In less than 140 characters, your followers should be compelled to click the link to your Kickstarter campaign, and learn more about your project.

–       Keep your tweets relevant to your Kickstarter campaign.

–       Never pass on an opportunity to throw in a call-to-action.

–       Use URL shorteners, they reduce your characters count. Bit.ly is particularly awesome because if you sign in, you get statistics on each link you create through the site.

5. Make your Kickstarter video worth it

After you created a Kickstarter video you have to make the best out of it! Your Kickstarter video is your pitch, your demo, and the visual inspiration that people need to back your crowdfunding campaign. So use it to reach a diverse audience by posting it on different video-sharing sites, like YouTube and Vimeo.

You’ve already been creating a lot of content to promote your Kickstarter campaign. So coming up with an attractive caption, video title and description for your Kickstarter video will be easy.

–       Your Kickstarter video has to be public. So it can show up in search results, and your audience be able to share it.

–       Add tags and keywords to your description of your Kickstarter video. At least one of them should be directly related to the topic of your project. Use it several times in an organic way.

–       Include your name, people need to know who to credit in order to believe in fundraising ideas. Put a face to the creator of this project, and make sure this face looks like a reliable one.

–      Include your Kickstarter campaign URL.

–      See some nice examples of Kickstarter video production here.

As you can see, using your social media to promote your Kickstarter campaign might take some efforts. But once you get ahold of it, and make an instinct out of these practices, your reach will be unstoppable.

AD.JUST – Kickstarter Video Production Los Angeles | Orlando | San Francisco

Branded Videos Product Videos and Kickstarter Video production in Los Angeles

We are Adjust Video Production, an Orlando video production company also offering kickstarter video production in the Los Angeles area. We are a team of visual communication experts, also specialized in Kickstarter video production. AD.JUST is ready to make your Kickstarter video stands out. Let us bring our unique, fresh approach to your online fundraising campaign; your success is our goal!

CONTACT US for the Kickstarter video quotegetquote@adjustproduction.com

7 Proven Tips on Making a Winning Pitch Video

7 Proven Tips on Making a Winning Pitch Video

Startup videos, such as pitch videos, product demo videos, or explainer videos, are the most effective tool in marketing today. These videos can deliver your unique idea, brand values, team strengths, and technology breakthroughs to decision makers in just a few minutes.

A professionally crafted video pitch can dramatically elevate your chances of getting funded by investors or accepted into startup incubators. Learning how to pitch is essential if you want funding, and watching other companies’ pitching videos, practicing pitching on your friends, and mastering the wording is something you will have to do. 

How to Make a Winning Pitch Video

So let’s say you have a brilliant idea that can change the world.  Now, you need others to believe in it! Here are the best tips on how to make a meaningful and effective video pitch:

1.    Watch lots of Kickstarter videos. 

Use others’ experience and learn from the best.

It’s hard to search for good video pitch examples, especially in certain industries. Unfortunately, most of the best pitching videos will not be posted publicly due to copyright issues. Startup founders are usually very protective of their ideas and unwilling to publicly disclose a new product or service in this highly competitive environment — especially at the early stages when the product hasn’t been manufactured or the patent isn’t registered.

We suggest that you turn to crowdfunding campaign platforms such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo and check the most successful pitch videos to learn how to pitch. As you watch those videos, you will see a common pattern among the pitches, and you can develop your own structure based on what you see.

2.    Keep it short.

You have just two minutes to convince. 

Keep your video pitch under two minutes in length so you don’t lose your investors’ or backers’ attention. Getting the point across quickly also shows that you respect their time.  Don’t steal people’s time by talking too slowly or stammering; practice a lot and keep it short and worth watching.

When crafting your pitch video, remember this: Although you may be deepinto your project, your audience might have zero knowledge of your industry or market. You have to get to the point as quickly as possible. It’s best to stick to the problem/ solution/ market opportunities formula for the introduction of your pitch.

3.    Craft your value proposition.

“We help X do Y doing Z.”

Never assume that people already know what your idea is. To avoid this misunderstanding, you need to craft the main essence of your product — a value proposition —into one strong sentence. (Don’t confuse it with your product slogan!)

Value proposition formula:

For____________ (your target audience)  who ____________(audience’s need or opportunity), ___________ (product/service name) is____________(product category) that ____________ (statement of benefit).

State the problem you are committed to solving, how you propose to do that, and who will benefit.

This approach will help create a value proposition statement that ANY person will understand. Test your value proposition on an older generation or kids. If they are able to understand what is your idea about, then you’ve nailed it.

4.    Highlight your benefits.

People want to know “What’s in it for me?”

The human mind is able to process around three pieces of information at once in short-term memory. This means it’s important to outline the three most important practical or emotional benefits your product offers to people. Don’t waste time by mentioning all the product features in your video pitch — stick with highlighting the benefits. Be clear in your pitch about how your product will benefit your target audience and make their lives easier. Will it save their money, or time, or both? Let them know.

5.    Practice, practice, practice. 

Pitch to everyone — your family, your friends, your mentors.

Practicing over and over again will give you confidence and help you master your message. Even just saying the words and phrases out loud can give you an idea of how to improve or how to express yourself better, especially the way you deliver your messages.

After you practice, you need to put away your pitching script and do the pitch in front of your colleague, friend, or family member. Their reactions and comments will show you the strengths and weaknesses of your pitch, reveal what’s unclear, and give you meaningful tips on enhancing your pitch that you couldn’t notice on your own.

Explain to your friend who your pitch is aimed at (for example, a potential customer or an investor) so they can give you more specific feedback. Also, see whether you have the opportunity to get criticisms from people who are in your target audience — that’s obviously very valuable feedback.

As you gain more and more confidence, try to pitch to a larger audience. There is a great opportunity to test your skills at pitching clubs like  1 Million Cups, or you can look for pitching events and sessions on Eventribe.

6.    Get Visual.

Show what you have now.

Traction is very important for your potential investor. People are not willing to invest in a bare-bones idea — they want to know what you have already achieved or what you’re still dreaming and planning.

The beauty of the video is that it makes a person accept information on different levels — audio and visual — so use your pitch video to its full power for maximum impact! Use photos, screenshots, and video clips of your work, testimonials from others, etc. Make your video a visual and audial showcase of what you’re all about. Tell your story and explain what you want to do in such a way that it compels people to get to know you and share your enthusiasm. Wrap your message in a visually appealing way that will engage the viewer until the end.

7.    Don’t be shy — brag about your company.

Showcase your team’s expertise and skills.

Brag about your company’s experience and achievements as well as your personal achievements.  Your team is one of the key factors of any startup success, and any experienced investor knows it. So if you or your team member have won a contest or competition that is relevant to your startup industry, had a significant track record in a well-known company, or just graduated from a prestigious institution, include that info in your short team biography to prove your professional credibility and your ability to deliver what you have planned.

Close with a simple but compelling call to action. What do you want your viewer to do next?  Just say it or ask it so your viewer has a clear idea of what to do next.


10 Questions to Consider Before Starting Kickstarter

5 Most Amazing Ways to Use a Kickstarter Video Project

Many people usually come up with a Kickstarter video project for a number of reasons, best known by individuals themselves. Ironically, some of them end up missing the point by focusing on fundraising aspect alone. Consequently, they fail to provide valid reasons to back their initiative. Here are some of the different outstanding ways you can use Kickstarter video to not only seek financial support but also benefit from other opportunities it presents.


This platform presents an excellent opportunity for millions of people all over the world to have access to your work. As they go through some of the Kickstarter videos posted, quite a number of them might be intrigued by your product; they will add comments. This will play a significant role in helping you polish up your weak areas. You will also be in a position to learn about the current market needs and subsequently come up with a Kickstarter project that will sell abundantly.


By having many people viewing your product, a section of them will begin to develop the interest in it. This positive association with your brand is significant. This can further be enhanced by creating an email list, providing external links to similar works among others. Before you realize, you will be having loyal customers who will motivate you to do more amazing Kickstarter projects that will propel you to excellence. By doing so, you are building a community of customers around your brand.


There is not any other platform that will provide you with the best feedback other than this one here. The colossal number of people watching your Kickstarter video from all over the world gives you an initial advantage. Different people have diverse opinions. Consequently, their feedback will be of great significance. Based on their opinions, especially the early adapters, you will be able to tell if your pricing is ok, figure out extra options, determine product range, narrow down to the target audience and adjust your style to fit the market niche.


By presenting the prototype of your product through Kickstarter video, interested customers will start to place orders. Just ensure that the brand name, price, and the category is clear and well displayed. This pre-order information is very important. Because as an inventor of the idea you will be able to estimate the cost of actual production based on the pre-orders. It helps in budgeting.


Where else will you get a wonderful opportunity to build a good relationship between you and the public, other than here? All you need is to have a Kickstarter page and begin to communicate with your audience. Media, bloggers, and other opinion leaders need to be contacted too in order to be picked up for publications. This will help you market your brand further.


In conclusion, the Kickstarter video project is not only a fundraising but also a great marketing too. It helps you to win your niche and acquire customers. However, to set up a great and effective Kickstarter campaign, you need a high-quality Kickstarter video with clear message.

AD.JUST – Kickstarter Video Production Los Angeles | Orlando | San Francisco

Branded Videos Product Videos and Kickstarter Video production in Los Angeles

We are Adjust Video Production, offering kickstarter video production in the Los Angeles area. AD.JUST is ready to make your Kickstarter video stands out. Let us bring our unique, fresh approach to your online fundraising campaign; your success is our goal!

CONTACT US for the Kickstarter video quotegetquote@adjustproduction.com