So How much does Kickstarter video cost?

You need a trustworthy and invigorating video to enhance your crowdfunding campaign for a Kickstarter project. Most Kickstarters soon learn that this is not so easy to achieve. Thankfully since you can now hire crowdfunding expert to help you,  we can guide you through kickstarter agency cost and types of crowdfunding videos.

Now comes the issue of price. Would it cost $500, $2k, or $10k? You can answer this only after you have considered the aim of the video. Here are some points to help you determine the cost of Kickstarter video production and show few successful crowd funding video examples:

1.  Do-it-yourself Kickstarter video production

Cost: Around $2,000

You can always choose the Do-It-Yourself options of Kickstarter video production and execute most part of the project. You may choose to write the video script, direct it and manage the production on your own. In doing this, you get to cut your costs of video production because you execute based on the funds available.

For instance, you may pay an entry-level videographer as low as $500 for a half-day job and get a very simple video editing done for about $600. In the end, you should have been able to produce an average-quality video. Of course, the sound may not be so clear nor the image sharp enough, even the pacing may have some irregularities. But if the script is catchy enough and the characters are captivating, you may be left off the hook with those crowdfunding video tips.

You can also leverage the services of professional video production companies. They come with well-experienced personnel who understand the business and know exactly what is needed to get a top-notch project done. But this may take more funds out of your pocket, as you need to pay for the expertise involved. However, it could save you time and money in the long run. And if you opt to hire a freelancer, they can provide great service as well, and at an affordable rate.

2. A basic good quality Kickstarter video

Cost: $5,000 – $6,000

To present your business idea in the best light you will have to hire more professional video production who can deliver full circle video production services necessary for a successful crowdfunding video. That will include idea and scriptwriting, 2-3 person film crew for sound and video recording. It can also include voice-over recording and good quality post-production services but without any composing or sophisticated animation.

It will cost you between $2k a day to acquire the film crew with quality equipment for a more professional look, and at least $900 for a seasoned editor. The video should be precise but quality, containing mostly an interview of the founder of the Kickstarter project and some film roll about your product or your facility.

You would concentrate on the story and do less of pre-production work (very few talents and locations), focusing more on the story of your concept, your passion your presentation skills. The post-production includes some basic editing and color correction. We recommend that you use a good resolution, 1080p for best quality of your video content. When shooting make sure to have enough coverage, so you can avoid unnecessary re-shoots during the edit process.

3. Are you ready to amuse people with your Kickstarter video?

Cost: $7,000 – $10,000

When you rise your Kickstarter video budget above $7,000 you can include the service of the scriptwriter to get brilliant ideas to show your Kickstarter project in an emotional way: funny, romantic, futuristic, etc.

You will be also able to hire some talents and extras. They will demonstrate how your product works in each day’s situations and how it makes the world better. The main difference is that you can make visually appealing commercial parts to demonstrate your product in real life. And your future customers can see the diversity of situations in your product works. That budget also allows you to book some more locations like residential houses, offices or conference rooms, depending on your product specifics.  Those locations will help to spread the story of your product in a more varied way.

Moreover, with that budget you can hire a professional  kicksterter director who knows how to engage people with the most interesting aspects of your project and make them emotionally involved. This person will coordinate all videography and editing process for you. 

 4. Your Kickstarter Video to go Viral?

Cost: $10,000  – $15,000

What you will get within that budget: greater script, more actors, voiceover, range of locations, and custom soundtracks.  We’ll even help you create a strategy for success to make sure your Kickstarter video goes as viral as possible.  We have years of experience in producing high-quality videos that get attention, and we know exactly what it takes to create something people will share. Our team can develop a carefully crafted storyboard and script, direct actors on set.

This budget will allow you:

•    Hire kickstarter video producer and director. The director is like an insurance policy that your script will not deviate from what you intended

•    Hire more professionals. Sound experts, gaffers, motion graphics, all of this will help to give you a quality video

•    Use equipment of higher quality. You could rent equipment like the RED Epic camera that goes for $2k a week (this is just a camera! Other features like sound, steady cam and lights must be added)

•    Pay for good locations. It’s easy to determine which videos cost more because of the range of interesting locations used to shoot such videos.

•    Customize soundtrack. Simply contact a musician to do a soundtrack (up to $500) that will rhyme with the pacing of your video. This adds lots of value to the Kickstarter video.

•    Have visual effects. This is the last but very important element to consider when creating a Kickstarter video. You should allocate $1500 – $3,000 for some basic visual effects like motion graphics, 3D animation and special effects in order to add that extra wow factor. 

•    Hire professional actors. It’s important to pay your actors fairly and competitively. Do some research online to find out how much to pay actors because they will be able to help you fix the cost and do the casting. Depending on the package you choose, costs can range from $200 – $1,000 per actor. In addition, you may want to consider hiring a casting director as well. 

•    Equipment Rental. You will need some equipment to capture your video footage and audio recordings of your actors. This usually includes cameras, lenses, microphones, lighting and other pieces of gear that could easily cost over $1,000. It’s a  good idea to rent the gear if you don’t have your own. 

5. Best Quality Kickstarter Video



Cost: $15,000 – $30,000

When does it occur to you that you might be spending more than necessary on your video? This totally depends on you and what you want to achieve. Let me help you here. Most expensive studios will only handle projects that hit the $30k mark. Quite frankly, at such an amount your video quality would be out of the ordinary when it comes to originality, casting, filming, and graphics.

So what differs? Most successful kickstarter videos have a completely original concept and crowdfunding video production of the ultimate quality. Such a video would be perfect for successful Kickstarters after they have gained experience and they have an existing product with good publicity, but not for beginner projects.  It would be unwise for such to spend so much on a Kickstarter video at their entry stage.

Successful crowdfunding videos are typically not very expensive compared to the above-mentioned $30k. However, they should be produced with quality and originality in mind and within a reasonable budget for the entrepreneur – this is what Adjust Production offers.


How to pick a budget for your Kickstarter video?

Considering the extent of work to be done is crucial to your budgeting to avoid any impromptu costs. Are you just aiming for a video of you doing your thing in front of the camera? If your answer is yes, then forget about spending too much and get some good Do-It-Yourself guides to help you.

If however you want to go all out, to create a great concept, with high-quality stuff like sound, images or to portray your complex storyline, you would need good budgeting. Our professional recommendation is to have something between $8,000 to $12,000 for a great look. That will also include an eye-catching concept for crowdfunding platform and some talents and locations to show the usage of your invention in real-life situations.


Here at AD.JUST we understand all aspects of Kickstarter video production and would love to help you get it done!

We provide you a full range of services for IndieGoGo and Kickstarter Video Production for startup companies and innovative brands, such as script writing, filming, 3D animation, sound engineering and more. With our expertise and experience, we guarantee a successful campaign video that will help you raise funds for your project. Additionally, we offer post-production services so you can get the most out of successful crowdfunding campaign.

Our second passion is video marketing for e-commerce! Check our blog posts about amazon product video creation and product photography.

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