Product photography helps you to showcase clear pictures of your products to your potential clients. Perfectly shot, crisp, clear, and stimulating product photography will give you an edge over your competitors. Despite the immense benefits of product photography or eCommerce, many sellers still give little or no priority to it. Of course, getting quality product photography services can be a daunting task, especially when you are not skilled in photography. Like other skill sets, product photography requires time, patience, trial, retry, error, and so on. 


9 Tips on How to Produce Quality Product Photos

To improve your product photography for Amazon and other eCommerce websites, here are 9 basic tips to consider. 


Read camera manual

The obvious truth is that 99% of camera owners did not read the manual when they first purchased their gadgets. Unfortunately for them, that is the most basic, simple, and obvious step in using a camera. Reading the camera manual may be the best initial step you can make as a potential photographer. Of course, knowing which button is responsible for which function is priceless and very important. The manual is designed to help users understand the basic functions and features of the camera. 

If you are one of this set of people, then it isn’t too late. You will be grateful to discover some features that you never knew before. Don’t have a manual? You will get a PDF copy of the manual on the manufacturer’s website. Just download and add to your library. 


Push the button halfway to focus, then all the way to take the shot.

Many people complain a lot about unfocused images after acquiring their new fancy cameras. Well, the solution is no brainer. Proper focus is key, regardless of the product you are capturing. If your image is not focused, then you will end up having burred, unclear, and ambiguous product photography. Apart from getting nice images of your product, your ability to focus rightly will make capturing the beautiful moments around you worthwhile too. 

Generally, pushing the button halfway to focus before taking shots increases your chances of getting a perfect, well-focused, and clear result at all times. Meanwhile, you would have known this assuming you read the manual. 


Get Under the Hood

Getting a hood for as low as $50 for your camera lens will boost your product photography activities a lot. It is very easy to use and does not have an on/off button. So, what is the function of the hood? Well, putting a hood around the end of your lens increases color saturation and decreases the glares of your product photographs. Literally, the difference between images taken with and without a lens hood is very obvious!  


Hold Your Camera Properly

What is the best way to hold a Camera? Very simple! Let your left-hand cup under the lens as if you are about to eat a foot-long sub sandwich. Then, put your right hand on the trigger and get ready to shoot. Meanwhile, bend your elbows and pull the camera back towards your face…then take those perfect shots. It doesn’t get any easier than this.


Use the Camera’s Self-timer

Using the camera’s self-timer is another way to enhance focus and boost the precision of your Amazon product photography. The more you separate your body movement from the camera, the better the result. Most of us use self-time for selfies and family photos. You can also use this feature for Amazon photography too. A self-timer allows you to take a perfect shot of the product with less chance of missing the focus since you are not physically maneuvering the button. The self-timer feature pairs with a tripod for your Amazon photography services especially when you are the only one doing the display and photography.


Use a Tripod

A tripod is like a third arm you can use to effortlessly carry out your photography. Using a tripod separates you from the camera. It gives you the freedom to make a few more adjustments to your product when the camera’s self-timer is counting down. For instance, when you are taking a photo of a product that cannot stand upright or you want to display some hidden features, then a tripod is a sure bet for you.

Meanwhile, there are different kinds of tripods. You typically get what you pay for. Tripods come with different accessories which can make your photography even better and more fun.


Incorporate Wireless Shutter Release

Another way to maintain a hands-free product photography service is to get a wireless shutter release. This gadget also allows you to remove yourself and body movements from the images. The trigger is quite inexpensive and easy to operate. Wireless shutter release allows you to walk away from the camera, position and reposition your products without running a shot. 


Utilize Hot Shoe Flashes

A hot-shoe flash is another great addition to your camera. This accessory projects light onto the focal point of the shot, giving you various lighting techniques on the go. 

You can utilize the hot shoe flashes simultaneously with your camera without having to directly connect them. Due to this, they are very versatile and can be placed at any position in the photography environment. A popular technique is to mount the hot shoe on a base and place it just around the product you are capturing. Some gadgets come with a base while some require that you buy the base independently. 

Place the flash at different positions to produce different effects. In the end, you will have different options to choose from for your product photography for eCommerce. Additionally, you can place your hot shoe behind items like a paper diffuser, card stock, and fabric. Hot shoes are great for taking lifestyle images of your products while in use. The additional flashlight produced increases your lightning and gives you an edge.


LED Continuous Lighting

Another simple yet efficient way to improve your product photography is through the use of LED continuous lighting. Product photography services are usually done in a small confined room that can heat up quickly. LED continuous lighting provides clear illumination and whiteness in the room without the heat of traditional bulbs. 

There are lots of LED lighting systems in the market today. So, stay updated on the latest technology and get yourself a perfect, economical one for your Amazon photography services. 


How to Make Your Product Photos Stand Out?

Showcase details and finish quality of products

Product photography offers business owners the opportunity to showcase the fine details of their products. Customers generally need to see those finishing touches on the product and the beauty it entails. For instance, an ordinary coffee mugged photographed using the right background and lighting system will highlight those awesome qualities and create a desire-to-buy in the mind of the customers. So, focus on those awesome features of your products and let them be obvious in your Amazon product photographs 

The right backdrop can elevate image quality

Imagine placing a genuine leather bag on a small rock and having a gentle flow of water beside it. This kind of environment will add many characteristics to the item. Generally, the right contrast and backdrop make product photography appear more interesting more than a plain white backdrop. However, most e-commerce websites allow only a white background for product photography. 

Go for High-Resolution photographs

Product photographs with low resolution will become distorted when zoomed. Thus, you should strive to capture and upload product photographs with high resolution on Amazon or your other eCommerce websites. This can only be achieved by using the right equipment to capture high-resolution product images. Usually, customers browsing through an eCommerce website will zoom in on the products to view some of their hidden parts. Your product shouldn’t be automatically disqualified due to low resolution. 

Multiple angles for a better appraisal and appreciation

If you are posting multiple pictures of your products, then you need to capture the product from different angles. For instance, if you sell shoes, you need to capture pictures of the side, the top, and the bottom. This will ensure that your customers have a full view of the product. A frontal view of a chair, for instance, does not say all about the angle and depth of the chair. Thus, always look for appropriate angles and inclinations to capture the perfect photograph of your product. While doing this, it is very important to maintain an equal distance between the camera and the product. Capturing a product from different distances will produce a skewed image of the product.

Utilize proper lighting system

Meanwhile, it is important to ensure that the lighting chosen for the shot does not affect the appearance of the product. Of course, some products may appear differently when exposed to different kinds of lighting. Although you sometimes need to improve the look and appearance of your product when capturing, it is also worthwhile to ensure that captured images are as close as possible to the original item. 


E-Commerce Product Photos and Lifestyle Images

There are two main types of images in product photography for e-commerce: e-commerce product photos and lifestyle images. Ideally, your website or amazon listing should include both types for each product you sell. Each of these types of images is critical for the high conversion rate of your products. However, most e-commerce products contain only the first type, that is, the product on a white background.

Photos on a white background are important to give a comprehensive impression of the product. However, they still place high demands on the customer to find out the main features and uses of the product.

You should consider making both types of images from different angles to give consumers a complete picture of what your product looks like. Since consumers cannot touch or see your product personally, your product photography must do the trick. If your product photography is accurate and engaging, buyers will learn to trust your brand. So that is why hiring a professional product photographer can save you money in the long run. Even if you plan to take your own product photos, you should leave the retouching to the professionals.


Professional e-Commerce Photography services for Amazon

Although we have discussed a few tips on how to improve your product photography on Amazon, it is also possible for you to need the assistance of a professional in capturing perfect photos of your products. Sometimes too, you may have a lot of tasks to accomplish and you need a third hand to handle your Amazon product photography,

Request product photography or videography quote

Product photography is an essential component of product marketing and promotion. If you run an eCommerce website or you place your products for sale on Amazon, eBay, Shopify, etc., you need quality product photography services to up your brand.

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